Here’s what you owe to yourself, not others!

You owe you to yourself, you owe it to yourself to bring that uniqueness to the surface. You owe it to yourself to raise your voice when people are not as good to you as you are to them. You owe it to yourself to smile from the heart at least once a day, so sincerely and loudly.

You owe it to yourself to continue to afford the occasional walk between dreams and reality, where desires are forged that drive us further through life.

You owe it to yourself to shed a river of tears when you are sad, made up and ugly to yourself. You owe it to yourself to scream out loud at any time of the day, when you don’t like it, when you’re your own and alone. You owe it to yourself that you are still touched by someone else’s troubles, that you allow light to enter your hole between your breasts for a while.

You owe yourself all those sleepless nights, when you wasted inspiration on memories and tears.

You owe yourself the no, which you didn’t know how to tell anyone. You owe it to yourself that sometimes you stop on the way, waiting for the soul to regenerate, so that it can listen further. You owe it to yourself that sometimes you don’t know where you’re traveling, because sometimes it’s not the destination that matters but what we learn along the way.

You owe it to yourself not to judge others, not to point a finger at the powerless, as they once pointed at you.

You owe it to yourself not to kidnap others, as they robbed you of yours. You owe it to yourself to fight for yourself, after all that years and experiences have made of you. You owe it to yourself after all that have hurt you, not to remain miserable and mute. You owe yourself forgiveness because you loved madly, believed blindly. You owe it to yourself to realize that it was not yours then, that what is yours will soon come.

You owe it to yourself to tell one beautiful or ugly story about life from every struggle.

You owe it to yourself to sometimes enjoy good music and drink. You owe it to yourself to sulk when you sulk, to leave the sinking ship first .. You owe it to yourself never to neglect the soul of your voice again. You owe it to yourself to realize that it is not too late to be saved.

You still owe yourself crazy nights, unspoken words and small joys ..

You owe it to yourself to dance, write and stay away so that you can better rise from the ashes.

You owe yourself to yourself, because you did not go through all those sufferings in vain. You lost yourself to find your true voice, to realize that someday there will be no us. Life is a transit station, there is no room for fear and lost hearts. You owe yourself to yourself at the expense of days gone by. Even if you fought alone, you owe it to yourself to become what you are, when no one is watching you, because one day we will all become just a pale memory ..

You owe yourself to yourself, you owe others only a smile, one that comforts and encourages…

The one you missed while you were scared and alone. You owe yourself to yourself, for everything you have been, what you are, to become what you want to become.

You owe only yourself to yourself.

17 thoughts on “Here’s what you owe to yourself, not others!”

  1. I really like writing this introspective blog post as I like reading myself to confront myself and find that natural fortress that flows in each of us as a lifeblood.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Not treating people the bad way they have treated you is a real hard one for me. I have always been one to serve people a bit of their own medicine so I struggle there. I need to work on it.

    Liked by 1 person

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