On the strange world remains

If I hate something, that’s when someone calls someone weird. What’s weird? What does it mean to be weird? Aren’t we all weird in somebody’s eyes? Don’t each of us have our own definition of normal?

It’s not weird, it’s different, and it’s the bravest thing you can be in this crazy world.

There are not enough people who have an understanding of anything other than copy paste. There are not enough people who understand that you can disagree and accept anyway. Too many dreams and authenticity have been destroyed by that famous saying, “Be normal.”

Yeah, well, it’s easier to bow to the masses and become just another copy paste. I will not judge, everyone has the right to choose. Not even this text is there to make us sad, this text is there to encourage us.

For those who accept their madness and continue to live on their own turf are indeed brave. With that choice they are automatically condemned to condemnation and strange views, but they have something that many do not have – freedom. They are already strange in someone else’s eyes, they can afford another extravaganza because what is another irrelevant opinion for them?

They learned a long time ago how to love themselves, and you know, it’s really hard to hurt a loved one. They know that everyone has the right to their opinions, everyone has the right to criticize, and everyone has the right to be offended unless they already know otherwise. But they also know that they are not defined by someone else’s words because they are – their own. They are not somebody else’s, they are their own.

They are one of those positives that annoys everyone around them with their positive and willingness to live. Especially now while everyone is negative and just looking for something to heal their frustrations. Sometimes it seems to me that at this time it is a sin to say that this time is not so bad because many things can be done for which we have not had time before and that one of these things is not lamentation.

But those who have chosen to live on their own beat do not need to explain it because they know that each medal has two sides. They know that everything can be done the best they want. They know that everything is changeable and only change is constant.

Exactly such people will change the world. Weird people have already changed the world. We would have no electricity, no internet, no cars, no airplane, no cosmetics and fashion news if some freak out there didn’t say, “F*ck all this, I want to see if it can be otherwise.”

They were misunderstood, they were misfits, but had their own ardor, their attitude and their mission. They believed in the impossible and thank them for that. Thank them for not caring whether others would regard them as normal because it is difficult to think outside the box when you are in the frame.

It’s hard to live life if it’s by someone else’s rules, and you have authority issues. True, authority should be respected, but it is not a sin to tell him that you do not conform to his standards.

It would be a sin to miss life, to let it slip through your hands, and to repent later for pleasing others more than yourself.

Because you are your own, not someone else’s.

9 thoughts on “On the strange world remains”

  1. Oh gosh, YES! GIRL, this hit me right in the feels. I’ve always been considered “different” but I’m happy! I don’t mind being alone, as I find a ton of stuff to occupy my time. I don’t mind being out with family/friends because that’s special to me as well! Give me life, let me run free and by golly, let me be me! I’m the first to want to just jump in a car and go, no questions asked and I’m usually the last to want to leave. Definitely enjoyed this post! Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. We are a massive fan of promoting self love and self kindness so this really resonates with us! Thank you for sharing and using your platform to help others love themselves. Lovely post x

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love this! What is normal anyway? It’s always better to be weird in my book. Makes you more interesting and usually happier because you are doing the things you love.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This is such a great post, so we’ll written and I feel it in my bones, I was judged a lot at high school for being different and ‘weird’ but I never changed, and when I left for a new school it was embraced by the best group of people for who I am, beautiful post!

    Liked by 1 person

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